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Sunset hike at Brownsville Forest

Friday, June 17, 2022
7:30 PM – 9 PM

Welcome the warm summer air with this susnet hike at Brownsville-Story Ridge Forest! Members of SLT's Fun & Friends Committee will lead this gently-paced stroll through the woods. We'll take full advantage of the lenghtening summer days, but bring your headlamps (and your bugspray!) just in case. 

What: Sunset hike in Brownsville Forest

When: Friday, June 17th, 7:30-9:00

Where: Brownsville-Story Ridge Forest

Directions: From Stowe Village take Route 100 north to Brush Hill Road. Turn right and follow Brush Hill Road up to the top of the hill where it takes a sharp right turn at the Morrill Farm and becomes Brownsville Road. Follow Brownsville Road until you reach the large parking pulloff and trailhead on your right. 

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Event Details

Title: Sunset hike at Brownsville Forest

Current attendees: out of 20

Event date and time: 6/17/22 7:30 PM