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Pinnacle Society Wildlife Tracking with Sue Morse

Posted Saturday, February 22, 2014

Photo by Susan C. Morse

9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Conserved Crawford property - Barnes Hill Road

Winter is a wonderful time to learn more about the animals that wander Stowe’s woods.  Animals leave clues in the forest about their daily activities in the form of tracks in the snow and markings on trees, among other sign.

Join us on this special extended session as we visit a variety of habitats to discover tracks and signs.  You’ll learn how to read the clues that animals reveal about their habits and habitats and learn why certain types of habitats are so worthy of protection.

Morse is a highly regarded expert in natural history and tracking.  In 1995, Morse founded Keeping Track©, an organization devoted to training professional biologists, citizens and volunteers in wildlife monitoring skills.  Morse has nearly 40 years of experience interpreting wildlife habitat use. Her research has focused on cougar, bobcat, black bear, and Canada lynx. 

We will spend the morning outside, moving at a leisurely pace.  Be sure to dress warmly, bring a hot drink, extra snacks and snowshoes. At the end of our hike we will gather for cocoa and a light lunch. Please meet at the end of Barnes Hill Road.  Parking is available along the edge of the road.

To RSVP for this outing, please email Executive Director, Caitrin Maloney.