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Adams Camp Connector

Let’s Connect Stowe!


The Adams Camp Connector is an 85-acre parcel connecting two large areas of previously conserved land: the Bouchard Farm and Adams Camp. This conservation project will protect important connections for recreationists and wildlife movement from the Little River to the eastern slopes of Mt. Mansfield.

From a recreation perspective, it’s a golden opportunity.For the first time, hikers, bikers and skiers will be able to enjoy uninterrupted trail access from Mt. Mansfield State Forest to the Village of Stowe. In addition, the new, multi-use trail will alleviate usage pressures on Brook Road.

Recreation, however, is not the sole benefit. Identified as a “high priority area” by Vermont Conservation Design, this parcel is considered critical to protecting intact forested habitat, healthy aquatic and riparian systems, and a diverse ecosystem on which plant and animal communities depend.


A trail network from Mansfield to the Village. For the first time in Stowe’s history, we have the opportunity to realize an uninterrupted trail network from Mt. Mansfield to Stowe Village. The new trail will establish a key connection between existing trails, local businesses, swimming holes, restaurants, and more. The historical and geographical bookends of Stowe, connecting these two areas has the enthusiastic support of many: the Catamount Trail Association, Stowe Trails Partnership, Stowe Nordic, the Lamoille County Planning Commission, the Stowe Selectboard and the Conservation Commission, and Stowe Land Trust.

Protected habitat for moose, black bear, and deer. The University of Vermont conducted a Wildlife Connectivity Study on the land this spring to better understand how wildlife moves through this area. Conserving this block of land is important to wildlife, who tend to travel under cover of the forest canopy and are known to preferentially travel along waterways. Black bear, deer, and moose are among the larger mammals that frequent this area. Protecting their natural travel patterns and wintering habitat helps prevent an uptick in wildlife incidences in town and along Mountain Road, something that has become increasingly problematic.

Local, global climate resilience. Forest fragmentation, climate change, carbon sequestration, and flood resilience are among the big picture considerations. When we conserve “highest priority” lands like this, we add to a growing map of interconnected areas that uphold the ecological integrity of Vermont and permanently preserve its natural legacy.

Working forestland. Sustainable timber harvests and maple sugaring will continue to operate here, supporting our forest economy and providing locally-sourced wood products and maple syrup.


Any private development of this parcel would close the window of opportunity we have to extend Stowe's unique trails network from Mt. Mansfield down to the Stowe Rec Path via the conserved Bouchard Farm. From there, the Stowe Rec Path connects all the way to Stowe center. What’s more, development of this property would fragment the forest in a location not well suited for the compact development vision being championed by the Town of Stowe. Even without construction, any new connector trail built in this location without permanent protection could be revoked at any time.


The Adams Camp Connector project will cost $1.1 million. Paul Percy has generously agreed to donate 30 percent of the easement value to the conservation effort, which is estimated at $280,000. SLT is responsible for securing the remaining $820,000 for project and stewardship endowment costs.

This opportunity has a deadline! In order for Stowe Land Trust to permanently conserve the Adams Camp Connector, we need all funding in place by December 31, 2024. We invite you to consider a donation, joining your neighbors to protect this important connection for generations of people and wildlife forever.