Maple Run Lane - Chase
The property consists of 25.6 acres of prime forested recreation land adjacent to the SLT conserved Stancliff parcel. It is owned and managed by the Town of Stowe as part of the 1,530-acre Sterling Forest. This area is prime territory for backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and mountain biking. Its conservation protected a key recreational access point.
Public Access
Maple Run is open to the public for year round non-motorized, non-commercial recreation and can be accessed via the extensive network of hiking and cross country ski trails in Sterling Valley. Please be aware that hunting and trapping is permitted. Visitors should park in the Sterling Gorge parking area on Sterling Gorge Road.
From the intersection of Route 100 and Route 108 in Stowe, travel north on Route 100 for .8 miles and turn left onto West Hill Road. Travel 2.2 miles and continue on West Hill at the sharp right turn where West Hill merges with Percy Hill Road. Continue on West Hill Road to the intersection with Moren Loop. Turn left onto Moren Loop and follow to the intersection with Sterling Valley Road. Turn left on Sterling Valley Road and continue until the left turn for Sterling Gorge Road. Park in the lot to the right of the road before the bridge.
- 25.6 acres
- Stowe town land
- Conserved in 2008
- Sterling Valley, Stowe