Ricketson Farm
The 217-acre Ricketson Farm is one of Stowe’s most prominent and productive farmsteads. A conservation easement protects 115 acres of rich, tillable soil for future farm enterprises. The site of a former dairy operation, the land is currently worked for several agricultural purposes. The northern, forested section of the property contains a rare peat bog and is part of a regionally-important wetland complex. Combined with adjacent properties already conserved, the Ricketson Farm is part of a 450-acre block of protected farmland that forms the northern scenic gateway to Stowe along Route 100.
From the intersection of Routes 108 and 100 in Stowe village, travel north on Route 100 for 2.7 miles. The Ricketson Farm will be on your left.
- 217 acres
- Privately owned
- Conserved in 2022
- Route 100, Stowe-Morristown boundary

Ricketson Farm
- Friends of Stowe Land Trust (12)
- John Abrams & Alison Bell
- Pete Adamy & Patricia Flam
- Richard and Anne Adler
- The Alchemist Brewery Stowe
- Michael and Judy Alexander
- Jane and Stephen Alpert
- The Altadonna Family
- Thea Alvin
- Dean and Jean Anderson
- Metzi Anderson & Ross Scatchard
- Linda Zamvil & John Angier
- Diane Arnold & Dean Goodermote
- Thomas and Patricia Auer
- Gary and Nancy Banks
- Laurie Batal
- Jared and Melissa Baucom
- James and Debra Baum
- Lisa Beach
- Nathalie Beauvais
- Jesse Beck & Kevin Veller
- Hillel and Mitzi Becker
- Jodi Becker
- Alan and Karen Beecher
- Karl Behrend
- Raymond and Sengdao Bergmann
- Charlie and Gibby Berry
- Betty and Carvel Bevans Jr.
- Anna Black
- Heather Freeman Black
- Peter and Nina Blain
- Emily and Richard Bland
- Jeff and Debbie Blanton
- Steve and Gail Blumsack
- Clifford Borden
- Paul Bosland
- Beth and Barton Bradford
- David and Lauren Brake
- Philip Branton & Ellen Lazarus
- The Brass Lantern Inn
- Dan and Jessy Brault
- Robert Brown
- Chess Brownell
- Kevin Buchanan
- Kevin G. Burk
- Charles and Susanna Burnham
- Elizabeth Bushueff
- Canadian Friends of Stowe Land Trust
- The Cannon Family
- Michael and Lisa Carey
- Michael and Elizabeth Cascone
- Paul Chebator & Mer Zovko
- Nina Church
- Barbara Cipolla
- Susan Clark
- Richard and Elizabeth Cleary
- Drew and Stefanie Clymer
- Michele Comtois
- Mark Condon & Jean Hynes
- Rich Conte
- Peter and Jane Cooke
- Kitty Coppock
- Lew and Audrey Coty
- Marc Couper
- Karen Cunningham Nicholson
- The Current
- Malachi and Margaret Curry-Hamill
- Grant and Debbie Davis
- Timothy and Sarah Davis
- Jim De Voe
- Vivian and Eric Denardo
- Kathleen Dennis
- Holly DeWees
- Robert DiMario & Helene G. Martin
- John and Alida Dinklage
- Gordon and Robin Dixon
- Toldy Dolack
- John and Doren Dolan
- Jim and Stacy Donahue
- Dr. & Mrs. W. James Downs, Jr.
- Nan and Brian Doyal
- Chris and Laurie Doyle
- Catherine Drake & Richard Levine
- Dick Dreissigacker & Judy Geer
- Peter and Bari Dreissigacker
- Mark and Deborah Drinkwater
- Evie Dworetzky
- Charles and Janice Ebel
- John and Julie Egenberg
- Valerie Turtle & Mary Elkins
- Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Esswein
- Lelia Evans
- Liz and Ralph Fariello
- Amy Farley
- Kathleen and Peter Farmer
- Joseph F. and Jodi M. Feeney
- Andrea Fenn
- Elisabeth Fenn
- Carla and Kevin Fitzgerald
- Gordie FitzGerald
- Chris and Willa Foran
- Frank and Judith Foti
- Daniel and Elizabeth Fram
- Walter and Kristina Frame
- Christopher Frelick
- Andrew and Marty Fried
- Stephen and Anita Friedman
- Annie-Vera Frye
- John Fusco & Richela Renkum
- Ben Gabos
- Beth Gadbois & Chip Dillon
- Sam Gaines & Molly Triffin
- Theo Gaines
- Leslie Gauff & Bruce Bell
- David and Joan Genser
- Mark and Sue Gilkey
- Robert and Jana Giordano
- David and Julie Gladstone
- Dr. Ronald and Lena Goldberg
- Jesse Goldfine
- Maureen Goldring
- Karin Gottlieb
- Alec Graham & Laurie Burton-Graham
- Robert and Regina Gramss
- Phil Grant & Brooke Kaltsas
- Danielle Greenberg
- Jeff and Corinne Greene
- Sarah Greiche
- Terry Griffin
- Ron and Kathy Groves
- Margot and Donald Hall
- Kris Halliwell & Laisha Mitchell
- Diane and Andreas Halvorsen
- Brian and Andrea Hamor
- Jon Hanson
- Van and Jane Harissis
- Jed Harris
- Peter Harris
- Patricia Hart
- James Haselton
- Russell Hausman
- Joel and Pam Heller
- Nathan Hemmer
- Cynthia Heraty
- Michele R. H. Herbst
- Jeff Herrmann & Jana Ross
- Lyndall Heyer & Scott Dorwart
- Margaret Higgins
- Ralph and Carolyn Hilbert
- Robert and Francesca Hildreth
- David Hindin & Sally Bloomberg
- Nifer and Ramsey Hoehn
- Heather and Doug Hoffmann
- Rick and Virginia Hopkins
- Allen and Heide Horsley
- David and Trina Hosmer
- Ann Howard & Bob Bortree
- Tom and Natalie Hubbs
- Roslyn B. Huebener
- Mark Israel and Edee Simon-Israel
- Terry and Kristina Itämeri-Kinter
- George and Cindy Jackman
- Jeffrey Jackson & Julie Gaboriault
- Richard and Marcia Johannesen
- James Johnson & Dr. Robin Dobson
- Bob Johnson & Denise Dalmasse
- Stan and Caryl Johnson
- Tatiana Kamarskaya
- Jason Kaplan
- Meg and Jeff Kauffman
- Michael and Patricia Kazakoff
- John and Diane Kemp
- James Khazzam
- Heidi Kiesler
- Will and Reni King
- Bob and CarolLynne Kirch
- Andrew and Kathleen Knittle
- Alan and Caryn Kovacs
- Dorothy Koval
- David Lachtrupp
- Larry and Peg Lackey
- Kevin and Allison Lane
- Jess Laporte
- Kenneth and Deborah Lasden
- Roger Laviale & Christine Donovan
- Diane Leach
- Walt Levering & Carolyn Ruschp
- Michael and Jennifer Levy
- Steve and Carole Lichtenstein
- James and Jacquelyn Lindenmeyer
- Jed Lipsky
- Jonathan Lipson & Joanne Cieri
- Mila Lonetto
- Long Winter Farm
- Walter and Diane Looney
- The Lopatin Family Foundation
- Joseph and Lori-Ann Loughnane
- Charles Lusk
- Spencer and Lisa Macalaster
- McKee and Jen Macdonald
- Maggie MacDonald
- Scott MacLellan
- Raj and Emily Madan
- Heather and Bill Maffie
- Andrei Mannheim & Reisa Teitelbaum
- Ken and Cyndy Marin
- Bob and Amy Marshall
- Deb and Mike Martin
- Dr. Katie Marvin
- Barry Matthews
- John McBrine
- MJ McCarthy
- Jane McCloskey
- Frances McCune & Robert Burley
- Christine and Dan McGowan
- Anne McIntyre
- Jeff and Lucinda McKechnie
- Steven McLafferty & Pauline Lambert
- Jason McLean
- Clare Tweedy McMorris
- Stephen and Linda Mead
- Bunny and Peter Merrill
- Jeffrey Merselis
- Tedra Meyer
- Val and Lisa Mihan
- Don and Susan Miller
- Karen Monsen
- Lee Hunter & Julie Montgomery
- Darsey and Joseph Moon
- Kitty Morrissey
- Town of Morristown
- Sarah C. Morse
- Margaret and Daniel Moseley
- Brian and Jill Mullin
- Gordon and Patricia Munson
- The Murphy Family
- Peter and Meredith Murphy
- Leo Murray
- Abigail Murtagh
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- Meredith Naughton
- Lisa Nelson
- Lucy Nersesian
- Lianna Netherwood-Schwesig
- John Nichols
- Peter and Sally Nolan
- North Hollow Berry Farm
- The Oakland Foundation
- James and Margaret O'Brien
- Patricia O'Connor & Michael Knapik
- Chris and Nancy Oddleifson
- Richard and Patricia Oden
- James and Sheila O'Neill
- Sue and Peter Oppenheimer
- John and Janet Ottas
- Jean Painter
- Ron and Lynn Paparella
- Annie and Andrew Paradee
- Steve and Bobbi Paris
- Bob and Wendy Parrish
- Teleia Pastore
- Christy Patt
- Chris Pazandak & Mary Jacques
- Bonnie and Brian Pease
- Kimberly Peck
- Shaun Pedersen & Alexandra Abbott
- Leigh and John Pelletier
- Ryan and Courtney Percy
- Kathleen and Bert Peterson
- John and Wilma Peterson
- Terry Phillips
- Katie Pindell
- Bill and Sylvia Pope
- Katharine A. Powell
- Beverly & Michael Propen
- Barbara and Michael Puddicombe
- David Putnam
- Mary Beth Quinn & Michael Lamere
- Kara Rajchel
- David and Louise Ransom
- George and Elaine Rau
- Pamela and Wayne Raymond
- John and Eugenia Reiersen
- Benjamin Reilly & Heidi Davies
- Todd and Wendy Renz
- Randy and Cary Repka
- Paula and Rich Reynolds
- Michael and Cheryl Richards
- Stella and Tom Richards
- William and Karen Richmond
- Ken Ricketson
- Mark and Amy Ricketson
- Rita Ricketson
- Robert Ricketson
- Jon Ricketson
- Peter and Ellen Roberts
- Geoff Robertson
- The James E. Robison Foundation
- Paul Rogers
- Tom and Julia Rogers
- Ed and Ruth Ann Rogers
- Jeffrey Rogg
- Adam and Noelle Rosenberg
- Richie and Andrea Rosenbloom
- Skip and Marilyn Rosskam
- Keith Rousseau
- Ed and Sarah Rovetto
- Erica and David Ruck
- Jo Sabel Courtney
- Charles Safford
- Peter Sakash
- Linda Sallop & Michael Fenlon
- Sarah Salvas
- James and Ruth Santos
- Timothy and Bethany Sargent
- Richard Sargent
- Janice Bini & Dean Scarborough
- Mark and Carol Schaal
- The Scheuermann Family
- Patricia and Alex Schmidt
- Heidi Schumacher
- Steve Sease
- Kerry Sedutto & Kevin Komer
- Jane Sequist
- Kathleen E. Shannon
- Jeffrey Sharat & Constance Carrino
- Kristen Sharpless & Michael Snyder
- Bella Sharpless Snyder
- Liz Sheahan
- Thomas Shively & Lisa Coney
- Union Bank
- Mary Ann Simmons
- Donald and Sandra Simonds
- Carol Skinger
- John and Lynn Skinner
- Gay Slesar
- Jason and Callie Slocum
- Nancy Small and Roger Keller
- Elisabeth Small
- Richard and Anne Smith
- Marcia Smith
- Shapleigh and Peggy Smith
- Donna Snow
- Heather and Scott Snyder
- Renita Sollie
- Elizabeth Soper
- Kermit and Hazel Spaulding
- Lee and Alice Spencer
- Ron and Judy Stancliff
- Dwight and Joan Stecker
- John and Anne Steel
- Jonathan and Jennifer Steingart
- Ronny Stelly & Megan Sigur
- The Ernest E. Stempel Foundation
- Cal Stempel
- Neil and Carla Stempel
- Harold and Carol Stevens
- Mary Stewart
- Amy Stewart
- Stowe Insurance Agency, Inc.
- Stowe Snowmobile Club
- Town of Stowe
- Christopher and Erin Strazzulla
- Pamela and Charles Swearingen
- The Sweatman Family
- Emily Sweet
- Tom and Grace Sweet
- Ben and Kelly Taylor
- Sara Teachout
- Brent and Bev Teillon
- Paul Thabault & Nancy Money
- Donald and Louise Thompson
- Tony Thompson
- Alan and Ellen Thorndike
- Arthur and Judi Tischler
- Mark and Chris Tolstoi
- Thomas and Barbara Tomasi
- Shannon Tonelli
- Samantha Knoerr & Rich Toogood
- George and Louise Townsend
- Ted and Kathy Truscott
- Mark and Constance Tuft
- John and Allison Turkowski
- Twilio, Inc.
- Peter Van Raalte & Jan Fielder
- Vermont Agency of Agriculture
- Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
- Vermont Community Foundation
- Vermont Housing & Conservation Board
- Vermont Land Trust
- Doug and Karen Veliko
- Susan Vicinelli
- Cheryl Vince
- Nancy Wagner
- David and Linda Walker
- Kyle and Laura Walker
- Daniel and Sarah Wallach
- Meghan Walsh
- Richard and Sally Watts
- The Wehse Family
- Fred and Andi Weiss
- Karl and Donna Weller
- Kelly and Chris Wheeler
- Jeff and Tiffany Wheeler
- Katie Whittaker
- Joanne Wikle
- David Wilkens & Molly Pindell
- Jonathan Wilson
- Ted and JeanMarie Winokur
- Darla Witmer & Peter Collotta
- Art and Marion Wittels
- Roger M. and Jill J. Witten
- Charles Wolf
- David and Elizabeth Wykoff
- Gregory and Mary Wylde
- John Wysolmerski & Caroline Hendel
- Doug and Carrie Yakola
- Kim Yellin & Marc Stern
- Stephanie Young
- James Zajac
- Eric Zeikel & Diane Brindle
- The Zimmerman Family